David Cameron leads £750m UK-China investment initiative

David Cameron
Has Cameron claimed a political legacy beyond Brexit?

The former Prime Minister David Cameron has taken the job to lead a billion-dollar investment initiative between China and the UK.

Cameron will take charge of the £750 million fund to improve roads, ports and rail networks between China and its trading partners. This investment is one of several commercial deals worth £1.4 billion.

A spokesperson for the former Prime Minister said he was “very proud of his work launching the golden era between the UK and China with President Xi”

“In an effort to build on that work out of office, he wishes to play a role in a new UK-China bilateral investment fund that will invest in innovative and sustainable growth opportunities in both the UK and China to create jobs and further boost trade links,” the spokesperson added.


The investment is being made with a private fund that is supported by the British government, who believe it will strengthen UK-China relations. No tax-payers money will be used for the deals.

The investment will help British and Chinese businesses in expanding into each others’ countries. Cameron’s role in the venture will include setting up talks between the UK and Chinese governments.

The chancellor, Philip Hammond, announced Cameron’s new role whilst on a trip to China.

Hammond said: “These successful talks are an example of global Britain at its best, demonstrating that we can work with our friends and partners across the world to support jobs, businesses and prosperity.

“This is a testament to our strong and dynamic economy, and the world-class talent and expertise we have to offer,” he added.

Cameron has not been laying low since leaving Downing Street last year. He was appointed the president of Alzheimer’s Research UK in January and is currently writing his memoirs in a publishing deal believed to be worth £800,000.